
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Looking back, Hot Wheels Cool Classics were Underrated...

Everyone loves an underrated sports team. We naturally root for the underdog. To me, anyways, the Hot Wheels Cool Classics line was seriously underrated. Or maybe I was the only one under-appreciating it at the time.

Cool Classics never got the hype and attention that Boulevard, Heritage and Car Culture have received. No Real Riders and no JDM prior to the final couple batches may have contributed to that discrepancy. To be honest, I never paid much attention to the set. A lot of that had to do with Wal Mart Canada's $4.97 price tag. Why would I pay that when Retros are hanging one peg over for the same price? I ended up buying the '67 Firebirds and Corvette because I collect the castings. But that was it. A measly 2-3 releases.

Since then, I've changed my perspective on this set a bit. Instagram member @doomus_rlc first got me to take a 2nd look at the set with his photos on the HWC forums awhile back and then I looked again when he did a guest post on the series for Lamley. Since then, several Canadian retailers have been liquidating Cool Classics (presumably unsold US warehouse stock collectors didn't want). I picked up the Datsun 240z and Bluebird 510 for $2 at the dollar store. Then a drug store had the mix with the '64 Ford Galaxie (I might have the year wrong). That piece was pure beauty. Then last Christmas I found this Drag Beetle on clearance at Toys R Us. I had to do a photo shoot with it and the pictures have been sitting in my queue for awhile now.

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So here they are. I wish I had more models to showcase in this post, but it's late and these are the only photos that are ready. Hopefully they don't disappoint, enjoy!

Happy Collecting!

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