
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cracking Open an Ultra Red is Pure Joy...

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By now you know that I love Auto World Ultra Reds. I've done a bunch of posts on them. What makes Ultra Reds so special? Auto World is absolutely meticulous in ensuring scale is 100% accurate and makes sure that every tiny detail is replicated in 1/64 scale. It's more than that, though. Like 'golden age' Matchbox, simplicity makes Auto Worlds beautiful. There's no gaudy tampo work, no crazy Hollywood licensing and Carroll Shelby's name isn't getting anywhere near the body panels of an Auto World. While I love Hot Wheels, Greenlight and (some) M2, Auto World's quality and clean looks set them apart.

Ultra Reds take the clean look a level further because they level the playing field. You see just how consistent the effort that goes into Auto World really is. The scale is dead on across the board. When every single car is red, you can really compare notes in terms of scale and detail between different models in the Auto World lineup. Oh, and shiny red paint just looks nice.

I really have to stress one more thing. You need to crack open your Ultra Reds. They won't depreciate that much in value, and they look so much better loose. Sometimes the lack of flare and flash causes me to overlook Auto Worlds in their packages. But the minute they come out of that blister, the intricacies and nuances are mind-blowing. The flash and flair is all there, it's just a little more subtle. Enjoy the photos, I think you'll see what I mean...

Happy Collecting!!

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